tk skycreations automaticflashlight

We provide Automatic Flashlight online (apkid: tk.skycreations.automaticflashlight) in order to run this application in our online Android emulator.


Automatic Flashlight is a great way to get the best from your smart phone's flashlight and make good use of it.

It is capable of turning on the device's flashlight in dark areas by using the phone's sensors. In addition to that, if the phone is placed in a pocket, the flashlight won't turn on. Multiple sensitivities are available to enhance the experience. Moreover, the user can either start the service at a custom time or can keep it running all the time.

Two additional features are available: One which allows the user to turn off the flashlight if the device reaches a low battery level and another which sets a countdown timer that allows the flashlight to stay on for a limited amount of time.

MyAndroid is not a downloader online for Automatic Flashlight. It only allows to test online Automatic Flashlight with apkid tk.skycreations.automaticflashlight. MyAndroid provides the official Google Play Store to run Automatic Flashlight online.

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