com heilol moderntasks
We provide Modern Tasks online (apkid: com.heilol.moderntasks) in order to run this application in our online Android emulator.
< Run this app named Modern Tasks using MyAndroid. You can do it using our Android online emulator.
Simple modern app that manage your weekly dates
1. Unlimited Tasks Daily
2. Unlimited Tasks Weekly
3. Alarm for any Task
4. Checking Completed Tasks
5. Progress Indicators
6. Internal Database
1. Unlimited Tasks Daily
2. Unlimited Tasks Weekly
3. Alarm for any Task
4. Checking Completed Tasks
5. Progress Indicators
6. Internal Database
MyAndroid is not a downloader online for Modern Tasks. It only allows to test online Modern Tasks with apkid com.heilol.moderntasks. MyAndroid provides the official Google Play Store to run Modern Tasks online.
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